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  • Nephoria

    BASF Beauty Care Solutions France S.A.S

    Nephoria is a natural extract of rambutan leaves, titrated in corilagin, from a sustainable sourcing program. It stimulates both collagen and elastic fibers formation in vitro, increasing skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles appearance in vivo to help the skin look visibly younger.
    Last update 06/05/2019


    FlaxPLY: a comprehensive range of sized flax fabrics
    Available in UD150, UD180, BL150, BL200, BL300 & BL550gsm

    Ready-to-use flax reinforcements for the manufacturing of composites parts

    Unique and patented product range that allows to improve the mechanical properties, the vibrations absorption and the aesthetic of composites parts
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • SANET Zitrotan

    WERNER & MERTZ France professional

    Concentrated sanitary cleaner, eco-designed based on natural citric acid.
    Last update 28/04/2023


    Greenway® Solar -30°C is a ready-to-use heat transfer fluid based on 1.3-Propanediol (Bio-PDO™) and organic long-duration corrosion inhibitors. The raw material used, 1.3 Propanediol, comes from renewable plant-based materials. It avoids the "tarring" of solar thermal panels (flate plate or vacuum).
    Last update 25/09/2013
  • Natural Isovaleric Acid


    AFYREN produce a 100% biobased Natural Isovaleric Acid with a respectful process for environment and non GMO natural microorganisms. The raw materials used are also non GMO.
    Last update 13/01/2021