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  • NATHERM, plant fractions, thermal insulation

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    NATHERM-F is a line of fiber, flax or hemp, for the sound and heat insulation materials.
    NATHERM-G is a range of aggregates made ​​of flax, hemp, wood and miscanthus, formulated for spray processing techniques.
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • Sarmine®


    Sarmine® is the micronized flour from vine shoots.
    It is a new bio-based raw material: eco-responsible, renewable and local.
    It is a new bio-based filler for plastics, composites, building industry.
    Last update 13/06/2018

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    VRIDISOL M is an aprotic polar solvent in the ether family. its versatility in use in synthesis gives the opportunity to reduce process costs at the same time of carbon footprint savings.
    Last update 07/03/2019
  • Hackled, Combed, Cottonized Flax

    Procotex Corporation SA

    Hackling sliver: for finer spinning numbers (from 32 nm to 100 nm).
    Carded and combed tops: for spinning, composite, insulation, paper industry
    Cottonized flax: for spinning, insulation, paper
    Last update 04/01/2014
  • Tara powder (grinded)


    Very finely grinded Tara (Caesalpinia Spinosa) pods
    Last update 29/10/2014