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  • Bi-axial Flax/PLA reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 2x45° reinforcement made by an intimate blend of flax fibers and polylactic acid fibers. The blend is composed by 60 % of PLA fibers and 40 % of flax fibers in volume.
    Several weights are available. For specify request, contact us.
    Last update 01/03/2017
  • Radiasolve 7529 - Solvents


    The solvents commercialised by Oleon are safe to use and they help to improve the environmental footprint of finished products and manufacturing processes in a wide range of applications, such as offset printing inks, cleaning and degreassing products and crop protection.
    Last update 21/08/2013


    Finishing paint based on bio-sourced binder in aqueous phase.
    Last update 12/06/2023

    Lubrizol Advanced Materials (FKA Merquinsa)

    ESTANE® ECO TPU is the flagship product under the Bio-TPU™ by Lubrizol product offering. Originally developed by Merquinsa, ESTANE® ECO TPU is the first bio-based* TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) to not compromise on high-performance when compared to traditional petroleum-based TPUs.
    Last update 25/08/2021
  • Ethylal


    Ethylal is a minimum 86,5% biosourced solvent with the following characteristics: Good toxicological profile (no labelling expect flammable), High solvent power (Kb value: 120), Surface tension reducer, Ideal replacement for MEK and other nasty solvents.
    Last update 01/03/2024