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  • Calcium, sodium, ammonium... lignosulfonates

    Borregaard LignoTech

    Lignosulfonates are used among other things for their binding, dispersing, complexing properties and their biostimulant effect.
    Last update 19/08/2013


    - Concentrated degreasing cleaner for professional use.
    - Effective on all types of grease, even burnt and charred.
    - Ultra versatile (oven, piano, grill, hoods, fryers, etc.).
    Last update 12/05/2023
  • Wood fibers and powders / Lignocellulose: LIGNOCEL


    Hard or soft wood fibres.
    Possible lenght from 40 µm to 5-10 mm.
    Several applications: building chemistry, plant cultivation & protection, welding electrods, wine aging, seed coating, filtration, surface treatment, petcare, animal nutrition, cleaner for carpets, paper & cardbaord, handwashing paste...
    Last update 15/07/2020
  • REFINE® PF3434A

    APM (Automotive Performance Materials)

    Compound PP-hemp for automotive parts
    Last update 14/02/2014
  • Fibrirock


    FibriRock is a lightweight, fast-curing, heat-resistant composite comprising over 55% flax and bioresin – organic, sustainable components.
    It allows the SmartCart to meet all the mechanical, production and fire-related performance requirements needed for an airline galley cart.
    The Smart Cart is the lightest galley cart rated to carry up to 50kg.
    Last update 10/02/2015