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  • Yarn and rovings of natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Rovings and yarns are linear assemblies of aligned fibers, linked by a torsion more or less important for the cohesion of the whole from flax or hemp fibers.
    Last update 16/07/2014
  • Biobased Multifunctional additive for paints


    ARBOCEL: cellulose powders or fibers for paints or coatings.
    Advantages: reinforcing agent, rheology agent, matting agent, lightweight filler.
    Can be used for interior or exterior paints, sprayable or structural paints. That is why different grades are available.
    Last update 24/07/2023
  • Altuglas® Rnew


    Altuglas® Rnew biopolymer resins, a biosourced PMMA with a lower carbon footprint.
    A new high performance alloys incorporating ≥ 25% biopolymers, polymers 100% produced from plant sugar. They offer performance advantages: excellent optical properties without the need for coating, high melt flow.
    Last update 08/01/2014
  • NaturePlast PLRI 001


    PLRI 001 is a mechanically recycled thermoplastic resin of Poly (lactic acid) made from renewable vegetable resources and is specifically developed for injection moulding.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Technical fabrics and unidirectionnals

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Fabrics structures determine their mechanical performances in the two directions: 0° and 90°. Unidirectionals are suitable for end-uses where mechanical stresses are applied in one major direction.
    Last update 02/02/2018