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  • Saturator Lasural

    Derivery SAS

    Non film-forming natural saturator for wood protection
    Last update 20/08/2013


    Greenway® Solar -30°C is a ready-to-use heat transfer fluid based on 1.3-Propanediol (Bio-PDO™) and organic long-duration corrosion inhibitors. The raw material used, 1.3 Propanediol, comes from renewable plant-based materials. It avoids the "tarring" of solar thermal panels (flate plate or vacuum).
    Last update 25/09/2013
  • THF

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    THF, tetrahydrofuran, is a universal, CN-solvent; its versatility creates an opportunity to reduce carbon footprint.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Rocalin

    Ariège Composites

    The range of Rocalin voluntary intake columns comes in 3m3 and 4m3 for the collection of glass as well as paper and packaging.

    The use of flax and cork provides efficient mechanical performance
    Last update 28/02/2017
  • Axolight

    Givaudan Active Beauty

    Axolight is the new whitening active ingredient by Soliance.
    Last update 19/09/2013