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NaturePlast NPC 204
This compound is based on algae powder, with injection molding and extrusion cast grades. These grades are not intented to food contact.Last update 24/04/2013 -
Bioplast GS2189
Biotec GmbH
Bioplast GS2189 is a bioplastic resin which can be extruded in order to make sheet for thermoforming an:or can be injected to make products such as: pens, cutlery, trays...Last update 20/08/2013 -
RÄUCHERGOLD - Smoking Wood Chips
Wood chips or friction logs used for smoking foods (meats, delicatessen, fishes and cheeses), for refinement of wine and spirits, as carrier agent for the cultivation of fungi and bacteria or as litter for rodents and reptiles.
More info on :;Last update 11/01/2024 -
Functional Cellulose Gels by JRS
This is a water-insoluble, micro-crystalline cellulose that is processed with a water-soluble spacer in a special production process. The fiber-gel is a whitish powder that disperses in water, forms a three-dimensional network and that way can be used as a multifunctional additive in water-based systems. See long description for more information.
Last update 18/11/2016 -
Methyl Undecylenate
Methyl undecylenate can be used as a precursor for undecylenic derivatives for cosmetics, as an intermediate in the synthesis of aromatic chemicals,as a synthesis support (modified silicones, polymers…), and in formulations requiring its anti-odour properties.Last update 15/05/2014