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  • GREEN, plant fractions

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    GREEN is a range of plant fractions, for the load or the reinforcement of thermoplastic composites. This range is suitable for injection and extrusion processes.
    Last update 27/10/2011
  • Vegetal oils emulsion for outdoor application

    Derivery SAS

    Emulsion of natural unprocessed oils (not alkyds, without ethoxylated surfactants) for formulation of outdoor paints
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Altuglas® Rnew


    Altuglas® Rnew biopolymer resins, a biosourced PMMA with a lower carbon footprint.
    A new high performance alloys incorporating ≥ 25% biopolymers, polymers 100% produced from plant sugar. They offer performance advantages: excellent optical properties without the need for coating, high melt flow.
    Last update 08/01/2014
  • PrimalHyal 300

    Givaudan Active Beauty

    PrimalHyal 300 helps to maintain an effective skin defense level against harmful bacteria contamination. It also boosts the wound healing process.
    Last update 01/06/2015
  • Secoia EXP Leaf Tech

    Ecoat S.A.S.

    Biobased alkyd emulsion allowing film drying without using a catalyst based on heavy metals and providing outstanding performance in terms of speed of drying and hardness.
    Last update 13/12/2013