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  • Fibrirock


    FibriRock is a lightweight, fast-curing, heat-resistant composite comprising over 55% flax and bioresin – organic, sustainable components.
    It allows the SmartCart to meet all the mechanical, production and fire-related performance requirements needed for an airline galley cart.
    The Smart Cart is the lightest galley cart rated to carry up to 50kg.
    Last update 10/02/2015
  • Natural Hexanoic Acid


    AFYREN produce a 100% biobased Natural Valeric Acid with a respectful process for environment and non GMO natural microorganisms. The raw materials used are also non GMO.
    Last update 13/01/2021
  • Neurophroline™

    Givaudan Active Beauty

    Blocking the production of cortisol, the major stress hormone and promotes the release of relaxing
    neuropeptides (endorphins) in skin favoring stress relief. Visible results after 1 month.
    Last update 06/03/2017
  • Bi-axial 45°x45° flax fibers reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 45°x45° flax fibers reinforcement, made with parallelized hackled flax sliver. 100 % flax;
    Weight: 300,400,500,600,750g/m². Specific weight on request.
    Packaging: rolls of 60 m², width of 2530 mm
    Last update 14/11/2016
  • Secoia 1403

    Ecoat S.A.S.

    Secoia 1403 is a bio-based alkyde emulsion and an excellent binder for low VOC mat, sheen or satin applications. Secoia 1403 is an APEO free, tall oil based, anionic/no-nionic aqueous emulsion of alkyd resin.
    Last update 13/12/2013