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  • Radia 7909 - Bioplasticizer


    Radia 7909 is a secondary bioplasticizer initially developped for enduction PVC.
    It is a booster of gelification (fast fuser).
    Still liquid at -6°C, it bring advantages when substituting benzoates.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Pure Logwood extract


    Our pure extract comes from the heartwood of Logwood, produced by a clean aqueous extraction. This powder-form extract is mainly rich in hematoxyline, the non-oxydzied form of its main colouring compound. This molecule is widely used as reagent in Biology.
    Last update 29/10/2014
  • Cleaner Degreaser for Floors and Surfaces 1L Osani


    Osanis Floor and Surface Degreaser effectively cleans floors in the home (tiles, laminate, etc.) leaving a delicate lotus flower fragrance
    Last update 05/01/2023
  • Nephoria

    BASF Beauty Care Solutions France S.A.S

    Nephoria is a natural extract of rambutan leaves, titrated in corilagin, from a sustainable sourcing program. It stimulates both collagen and elastic fibers formation in vitro, increasing skin elasticity and reducing wrinkles appearance in vivo to help the skin look visibly younger.
    Last update 06/05/2019
  • FibriCard


    Fibricard is a lightweight 100% biobased thermoset composite. Made from FibriPreg (prepreg of flax fibres and bioresin) in association with honeycomb paper core, its sandwich structure provides exceptional mechanical strength.
    Last update 27/02/2014