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  • Bio-succinic acid


    Bio-succinic acid is produced by fermentation of glucose and CO2.
    The cost of our succinic acid is lower than butane derived succinic acid, and the purity is higher.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Géochanvre - Herbi'Chanvre


    Herbi'Chanvre from Géochanvre is a unique mulch fabric made of 100% natural hemp grown in France, without pesticides. Only water is used to bind the fibers. Very effective against weeds, it avoids weeding and promotes the growth of plantations. Thin and resistant, its installation is mechanizable.
    Last update 02/11/2020


    Optimized ratio of Ecocert-certified acacia senegal gum (or acacia gum) and xanthan gum obtained using an innovative process: the acacia gum coats the xanthan gum.
    Last update 07/12/2020
  • SCUBE®


    SCUBE® is a electric vehicule whose bodywork are in flax reinforcement composites.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Thermosetting applications linen woven fabrics

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Wowen fabrics made from untwisted fibers yarn, 100 % flax fibers
    Product range : TWILL 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², TAFFETAS 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², UNIDIRECTIONAL 210 g/m² and 420 g/m²
    Packing : rolls of 100 m², width of 1640 mm
    Last update 04/12/2020