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  • ecovio® FT 2341


    Partly biobased and biodegradable PLA-compound for flexible film applications like T-Shirt bags or very thin Vegetable Bags (10 µm)
    Last update 07/12/2018


    JELU provides the technical industry with functional fillers and additives based on wood and cellulose. Our additives and highly effective cellulose powders optimise modern filter technology and improve the product characteristics of floor coverings, plastics, welding electrodes, cardboard and cleaning products.
    Last update 30/10/2013
  • Reed grain


    Grain de roseau is a 100% biobased, biodegradable or sustainable biopolymer characterized by its own channel of sourcing and recovery of waste by composting / recycling.
    Its particularity is to work with the reed product from natural environments, an annual renewable resource present on a worldwide scale not cultivated not planted.
    Last update 01/03/2021
  • Aqueous emulsion of natural vegetal oils and resin

    Derivery SAS

    Natural vegetal binder (not alkyd, without ethoxylated surfactants) for the formulation of products for protection and decoration of wood.
    Last update 21/08/2013


    LINTEX® is a semi-finished natural flax fibre product in the form of calibrated fibre lengths for plasturgy, composites or building.
    Last update 20/08/2013