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  • Biobased Multifunctional additive for paints


    ARBOCEL: cellulose powders or fibers for paints or coatings.
    Advantages: reinforcing agent, rheology agent, matting agent, lightweight filler.
    Can be used for interior or exterior paints, sprayable or structural paints. That is why different grades are available.
    Last update 24/07/2023
  • Pure Logwood extract


    Our pure extract comes from the heartwood of Logwood, produced by a clean aqueous extraction. This powder-form extract is mainly rich in hematoxyline, the non-oxydzied form of its main colouring compound. This molecule is widely used as reagent in Biology.
    Last update 29/10/2014
  • Estetic® BioAir Mat

    ArcelorMittal Atlantique et Lorraine - Montataire

    Within the Estetic® pre-painted range, dedicated for indoor, ArcelorMittal offers the Estetic® BioAir Mat which respects indoor air and the environment. The paints are made owith a bio-based resin and its volatile organic compounds (VOC) are in line with the most constraining regulations in Europe, leading to a healthier indoor air quality.
    Last update 12/09/2016
  • Bi-axial Flax/PLA reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 2x45° reinforcement made by an intimate blend of flax fibers and polylactic acid fibers. The blend is composed by 60 % of PLA fibers and 40 % of flax fibers in volume.
    Several weights are available. For specify request, contact us.
    Last update 01/03/2017
  • Bedding LIGNOCEL


    Beech timber bedding
    Last update 05/01/2016