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  • organic Coriander oil


    Coriander fruits are particularly interesting because they contain a vegetable oil. The fraction of vegetable oil resulting from an innovative extraction (allowing to preserve a characteristic very fragrant) will make it possible to integrate the composition of many cosmetic or pharmaceutical products as well as in food supplements.
    Last update 22/01/2021
  • Lasural woodstain indoor/outdoor 469

    Derivery SAS

    Natural woodstain for protection and embellishment of european and exotic woods
    Last update 21/08/2013


    CONTACTICEL™ offers the skin protection against pollution; it effectively reduces the sebum on a polluted atmosphere with a visible lasting result.
    It is obtained thanks to CELEBRITY™, an innovative macro-algae cell culture which allows to produce large quantities of biomass from a rare algae Acrochaetium moniliforme that could not be cultivated
    Last update 20/04/2017
  • Etincel


    Etincel is specially designed to eliminate the residues of sulfonylurées and the other phytosanitary active materials (including the oily products) which remained stuck on the organs of the atomizer (tank, pump, banisters, buzzards).
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Miscanthus fiber


    The Miscanthus fiber that we produce is proposed in several diameters going of 100µm with 1mm. These fibers do not exceed the 7mm length. Flours are also available.
    Last update 21/08/2013