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Disinfecting Hand Foam 50 mL Effibioz
The hand disinfectant foam cleans and disinfects without alcohol. It eliminates 99.9% of germs and leaves your hands soft and moisturised!Last update 05/01/2023 -
Hemp shives for green building.
Hemps for slabe, renders and plasters, walls...Last update 20/08/2013 -
MEXEL Industries
The shuttering removal emulsion AQUAMEXOIL is the « green » alternative to solvent-based mineral or plant oils for concrete construction.Last update 11/12/2013 -
Napture Cellgum Plus
Sensient Cosmetic Technologies
Thixotropic colloidal thickener derived from natural renewable sources (food grade)Last update 22/12/2011 -
Green care Activ Liquid
WERNER & MERTZ France professional
Liquid laundry dtergent with eco-effective product designLast update 31/01/2023