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NaturePlast NPC 204
This compound is based on algae powder, with injection molding and extrusion cast grades. These grades are not intented to food contact.Last update 24/04/2013 -
SOPHOCLEAN is the first industrial biosurfactant. It has good degreasing and wetting properties and can be used as a non foaming surfactant.Last update 21/08/2013 -
Yarn and rovings of natural fibres
Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD
Rovings and yarns are linear assemblies of aligned fibers, linked by a torsion more or less important for the cohesion of the whole from flax or hemp fibers.Last update 16/07/2014 -
Plant and Ocean Based Cosmetic Natural Ingredients
Survey of products:
Natural EXFOLIANTS (alternatives to microbeads / plastic beads / PE beads) ;
Natural transparent thickeners ;
Natural stabilizers ;
Texturizing powders ;
Sensory ultrafine powders (alternatives to plastic powders);
Volumizing powders.Last update 28/08/2020 -
Kaneka Belgium NV
AONILEX is a 100% bio-based polymer produced by microbial fermentation from plant oils. The products are biodegradable to carbon dioxide and water under aerobic, anaerobic and marine conditions. AONILEX can improve biodegradability of other bio-polymers such as PLA, PBAT, PBS through blending.Last update 28/05/2014