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  • I’m green™ Polyethylene


    Braskem´s I’m green™ polyethylene is a biopolymer made from sugarcane ethanol.
    Last update 05/12/2013
  • Ocalio™


    Ocalio™ is an innovative new bioplastic – a type of biobased plastic made partly from plant materials (biomass). Made from cellulose acetate derived from wood pulp, Ocalio™ is sustainable and renewable.
    Last update 28/01/2014
  • BIOPLAST 500

    Biotec GmbH

    BIOPLAST 500 is a plasticizer-free, thermoplastic material that contains natural potato starch and other biologically sourced polymers. The biobased carbon share of the entire formulation exceeds 50%.
    Last update 19/02/2014


    LINTEX® is a semi-finished natural flax fibre product in the form of calibrated fibre lengths for plasturgy, composites or building.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Biobased hydrocolloids for versatile applications


    JRS, manufacturer of natural ingredients and plant fibers, offers biodegradable and economical alternatives based on natural and renewable origin to synthetic and petrol based thickeners, gelifyers or stabilizers.
    These are HPMCs, cellulose gels (MCGs = Microcrystalline Cellulose Gels), pectins and alginates.
    Last update 08/04/2022