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  • ampliTex® powerRibs

    Bcomp Ltd.

    The powerRibs can be easely combined with flax, glass or carbon fibre fabrics.
    During production, the flax yarn placement is carefully controlled in order to obtain an application-specific mesh structure.
    Last update 23/10/2014

    Bio Attitude

    Highly concentrated, the Evéa washing-up liquid cleans and degreases thoroughly without leaving any traces. No colouring, no preservatives.
    Last update 06/02/2023
  • Epichlorohydrin (via EPICEROL process)


    80% of epichlorhydrin is used in epoxy resins ( coating, paints, adhesives, composite polymers)
    20 % are used to produce floculating agents, wet paper strength reinforcement, non-flammable polymers.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Bi-axial Flax/PP reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 2x45° reinforcement made by an intimate blend of flax fibers and polypropylene fibers. The blend is composed by 60 % of PP fibers and 40 % of flax fibers in volume. Several weights are available. For specify request, contact us.
    Last update 01/03/2017
  • Geochanvre - Intissé


    GEOCHANVRE produces a range of geotextiles from long fibers mechanically bonded by hydrolysis. The applications are possible in the fields of ecological engineering, soil erosion control, crop protection but also to meet the needs of the construction and composite materials sectors.
    Last update 12/05/2018