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  • LUBA 21


    Extreme pressure biolubricant for cutting and stamping of metals
    Last update 15/03/2021


    - Modern glass and surface cleaner and degreaser
    - Quickly eliminates dirt, greasy stains, finger marks, etc.
    - Leaves no traces after drying.
    Last update 02/05/2023
  • Unidirectional natural fibres: 0° to 90°

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    The unidirectionals are suitable for applications requiring performance applied preferentially in one direction. The layers of fibers, rovings or aligned yarns of flax are bonded together by an binder or by woven perpendicularly yarns.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • Bioplast GS2189

    Biotec GmbH

    Bioplast GS2189 is a bioplastic resin which can be extruded in order to make sheet for thermoforming an:or can be injected to make products such as: pens, cutlery, trays...
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Polyfibra range


    Polyfibra ® product line features the lignocellulosic fiber composites (beech, spruce ...) / thermoplastic (PP, PE, PS, ABS ...). The wood fiber is an expense: petrochemical substitution of carbon, but also because of its mechanical properties, reinforcement.
    Last update 15/07/2014