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  • Simulsol SL 10


    Simulsol SL 10 is a degreaser foaming agent.
    Last update 16/02/2021
  • APPYCLEAN 6552


    Powerful foaming and degreasing agent (Alkyl-Poly-Pentosides)
    Last update 02/08/2013
  • Epichlorohydrin (via EPICEROL process)


    80% of epichlorhydrin is used in epoxy resins ( coating, paints, adhesives, composite polymers)
    20 % are used to produce floculating agents, wet paper strength reinforcement, non-flammable polymers.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Undecylenic Acid


    The properties of undecylenic acid make it an interesting molecule which can be used as a chemical intermediate in fragrances and flavors industry, cosmetics, polymers and modified silicones.
    Last update 15/05/2014
  • NATHERM, plant fractions, thermal insulation

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    NATHERM-F is a line of fiber, flax or hemp, for the sound and heat insulation materials.
    NATHERM-G is a range of aggregates made ​​of flax, hemp, wood and miscanthus, formulated for spray processing techniques.
    Last update 06/02/2018