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  • Nonwoven natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Nonwovens are made of a fleece or a mat of fibers arranged randomly linked by mechanical, chemical or pneumatic action. This arrangement of fibres provides isotropic mechanical performance to materials incorporating nonwovens.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • xEN-MPTC integrated wooden building system


    Lineazen integrated building systems consist in a complete range of structural and architectural products : wall, floor and roof. They are based on cross laminated timber made of beech / epicea / bamboo.
    Last update 21/08/2013


    - Concentrated degreasing cleaner for professional use.
    - Effective on all types of grease, even burnt and charred.
    - Ultra versatile (oven, piano, grill, hoods, fryers, etc.).
    Last update 12/05/2023
  • Natural Hexanoic Acid


    AFYREN produce a 100% biobased Natural Valeric Acid with a respectful process for environment and non GMO natural microorganisms. The raw materials used are also non GMO.
    Last update 13/01/2021
  • Technichanvre


    Hemp shives for green building.
    Hemps for slabe, renders and plasters, walls...
    Last update 20/08/2013