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  • Bi-axial 45°x45° flax fibers reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 45°x45° flax fibers reinforcement, made with parallelized hackled flax sliver. 100 % flax;
    Weight: 300,400,500,600,750g/m². Specific weight on request.
    Packaging: rolls of 60 m², width of 2530 mm
    Last update 14/11/2016
  • SANET Zitrotan

    WERNER & MERTZ France professional

    Concentrated sanitary cleaner, eco-designed based on natural citric acid.
    Last update 28/04/2023
  • Bio-epoxy – Denacol GSR-series

    Nagase ChemteX

    DENACOL has become a benchmark in the world of aliphatic epoxies. ‘’Bio-based’’ DENACOL GSR-series are made from natural renewable resources and they work in textile, paper finishing, coatings, adhesives, specialty polymers, tire-cord and other uses.
    Last update 10/04/2015


    Certified ECOLABEL, BIO NATUR 2 Temps is an 100% synthetic oil formulated for a better lubrication of two stroke engines used in motorcycle, mopeds, scooters but also in motoculture equipment (chain saws, lawn mowers, clearing saws,...).
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • EKOPUR BS Brillant


    Finishing paint based on bio-sourced binder in aqueous phase.
    Last update 14/06/2023