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NaturePlast ACI 001
ACI 001 is a thermoplastic resin of cellulose ester made from renewable vegetable resources and is specifically developed for injection moulding.Last update 21/08/2013 -
Last update 21/11/2022
NovHisol SA
The system NOVHISOL is a constructive frame of reinforced concrete and prefabricated multilayered walls of which one component is a plant fibers-based concrete replacing traditional masonry system (bricks, blocks).Last update 07/02/2014 -
ampliTex® non crimp fabrics
Bcomp Ltd.
Our non crimp fabrics are the preforms leading to the strongest and stiffest natural fibre composites currently on the market.
Our non crimp fabrics find applications in composite industry, sports & leisure, mobility, protection, design and interior objects, construction and consumer electronics.Last update 23/10/2014 -
ecovio® FT 2341
Partly biobased and biodegradable PLA-compound for flexible film applications like T-Shirt bags or very thin Vegetable Bags (10 µm)Last update 07/12/2018