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  • Biosorb


    Biosorb is a 100 % natural filter system made of pine bark residues and flax and developed by Pe@rl society cooperatively with EcoTechnilin.
    It has the capacity to concentrate heavy metals and radioactive elements in fluids with an efficiency similar to ion exchange resin but easier to implement.
    Last update 31/05/2016


    - Professional laundry detergent for all textiles.
    - Removes common and stubborn stains
    - Delicately scented with Verbena.
    Last update 09/05/2023
  • 1,2-pentanediol

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    1,2-pentanediol is a multi-purpose product which is used as industrial solvent (ink...etc.), formulation active ingredient in cosmetics and as chemical intermediate for agro chemistry and others.
    Last update 10/07/2014

    FLAXCO ®

    FLAXCO ® prepregs are manufactured from woven flax fibre, pre impregnated and consolidated with thermoplastic (PP-PA-PLA) resins. These semi-finished products can be delivered in rigid sheets or on rolls as single ply sheet.
    Last update 22/01/2019
  • Woodforce

    Sonae Indùstria

    Wooforce is an innovative solution for polymer reinforcement. Ready to use and easy to feed within an extruder.
    Last update 07/02/2014