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  • Yarn and rovings of natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Rovings and yarns are linear assemblies of aligned fibers, linked by a torsion more or less important for the cohesion of the whole from flax or hemp fibers.
    Last update 16/07/2014


    CONTACTICEL™ offers the skin protection against pollution; it effectively reduces the sebum on a polluted atmosphere with a visible lasting result.
    It is obtained thanks to CELEBRITY™, an innovative macro-algae cell culture which allows to produce large quantities of biomass from a rare algae Acrochaetium moniliforme that could not be cultivated
    Last update 20/04/2017
  • CLEANMEX Bitumen remover

    MEXEL Industries

    Dissolvent for tars, bitumens and asphalts
    Last update 11/12/2013

    Culture iN

    Between texture and structure, Varian® is a rigid impregnated fabric available in sheets or rolls ready to use, and simple to use as a real "textile sheet".
    Last update 04/11/2021
  • I’m green™ Polyethylene


    Braskem´s I’m green™ polyethylene is a biopolymer made from sugarcane ethanol.
    Last update 05/12/2013