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Methyl Undecylenate
Methyl undecylenate can be used as a precursor for undecylenic derivatives for cosmetics, as an intermediate in the synthesis of aromatic chemicals,as a synthesis support (modified silicones, polymers…), and in formulations requiring its anti-odour properties.Last update 15/05/2014 -
ampliTex® flax braids
Bcomp Ltd.
This product can be combined with other composites and is the easiest way to absorb shocks in different applications, such as tubes, poles, rods, hockey sticks, rackets or x-country skis.Last update 28/10/2014 -
Wood fibers and powders / Lignocellulose: LIGNOCEL
Hard or soft wood fibres.
Possible lenght from 40 µm to 5-10 mm.
Several applications: building chemistry, plant cultivation & protection, welding electrods, wine aging, seed coating, filtration, surface treatment, petcare, animal nutrition, cleaner for carpets, paper & cardbaord, handwashing paste...Last update 15/07/2020 -
Last update 15/03/2021
Plant and Ocean Based Cosmetic Natural Ingredients
Survey of products:
Natural EXFOLIANTS (alternatives to microbeads / plastic beads / PE beads) ;
Natural transparent thickeners ;
Natural stabilizers ;
Texturizing powders ;
Sensory ultrafine powders (alternatives to plastic powders);
Volumizing powders.Last update 28/08/2020