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    Cavac Biomatériaux

    Micronization of plant material: Flax, Hemp, Corn
    Particle size analysis: adapted to the needs of customers
    Packaging: bulk, big bags, bags
    Last update 13/02/2017
  • Lactide (PLA monomer)

    Corbion Purac

    L-Lactide and D-Lactide monomers for PLA PURALACT L® and PURALACT D® are Corbion Purac’s monomers for the bioplastics industry. Lactides are dimers of Lactic Acid and so called building blocks for polymers and the production of other chemicals.
    Last update 11/09/2014
  • Feutralin


    Feutralin is an 100% natural acoustic insulating underlay for laminate floors. Made of flax fibres, it offers a durable acoustic insulation and a good absorption of impact noises (ΔLw = 20dB).
    Last update 04/03/2014
  • Vasegreen

    World Natural Care

    Vasegreen is a 100 % natural alternative to petroleum jelly. It is a translucent, semi-solid paste made of purely natural components. Its main component is sunflower oil. As a result, it allows the development of organic make up and personal care products.
    Last update 12/01/2015
  • Sarmine®


    Sarmine® is the micronized flour from vine shoots.
    It is a new bio-based raw material: eco-responsible, renewable and local.
    It is a new bio-based filler for plastics, composites, building industry.
    Last update 13/06/2018