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  • 100% low twist flax yarns & rovings


    100% low twist linen/flax rovings and yarns adapted for natural fiber reinforced composites processes such as pultrusion, filament winding, weaving...
    Last update 16/07/2014
  • Géochanvre - Herbi'Chanvre


    Herbi'Chanvre from Géochanvre is a unique mulch fabric made of 100% natural hemp grown in France, without pesticides. Only water is used to bind the fibers. Very effective against weeds, it avoids weeding and promotes the growth of plantations. Thin and resistant, its installation is mechanizable.
    Last update 02/11/2020
  • Polyfibra range


    Polyfibra ® product line features the lignocellulosic fiber composites (beech, spruce ...) / thermoplastic (PP, PE, PS, ABS ...). The wood fiber is an expense: petrochemical substitution of carbon, but also because of its mechanical properties, reinforcement.
    Last update 15/07/2014
  • Cleaning vinegar


    Cleaning vinegar is an essential household product. Environmentally friendly, naturally effective and slightly scented, this product will be perfect for multipurpose cleaning.
    Last update 14/03/2023
  • Natural Isobutyric Acid


    AFYREN produce a 100% biobased Natural Isobutyric Acid with a respectful process for environment and non GMO natural microorganisms. The raw materiels used are also non GMO.
    Last update 13/01/2021