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    Waterborne matt interior wall paint based on biobased resin
    Last update 08/02/2023
  • Unidirectional natural fibres: 0° to 90°

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    The unidirectionals are suitable for applications requiring performance applied preferentially in one direction. The layers of fibers, rovings or aligned yarns of flax are bonded together by an binder or by woven perpendicularly yarns.
    Last update 15/07/2014

    FLAXCO ®

    FLAXCO ® prepregs are manufactured from woven flax fibre, pre impregnated and consolidated with thermoplastic (PP-PA-PLA) resins. These semi-finished products can be delivered in rigid sheets or on rolls as single ply sheet.
    Last update 22/01/2019


    CONTACTICEL™ offers the skin protection against pollution; it effectively reduces the sebum on a polluted atmosphere with a visible lasting result.
    It is obtained thanks to CELEBRITY™, an innovative macro-algae cell culture which allows to produce large quantities of biomass from a rare algae Acrochaetium moniliforme that could not be cultivated
    Last update 20/04/2017
  • Technilaine


    Technilaine is a hemp-based insulator composed of 85% hemp fiber hemp (grown and processed in France) and 15% polyester stable fiber.
    Last update 20/08/2013