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Pennakem Europa SAS
1,2-pentanediol is a multi-purpose product which is used as industrial solvent (ink...etc.), formulation active ingredient in cosmetics and as chemical intermediate for agro chemistry and others.Last update 10/07/2014 -
Synbra Technology bv
BioFoam® is a bio-based PLA Foam (E-PLA) produced from Lactic Acid through purified Lactides in polymerisation. It has comparable physical & mechanical properties to EPS.Last update 29/11/2011 -
NaturePlast PLRI 001
PLRI 001 is a mechanically recycled thermoplastic resin of Poly (lactic acid) made from renewable vegetable resources and is specifically developed for injection moulding.Last update 20/08/2013 -
Rilsan® HT
Rilsan® HT is the first flexible, high-temperature thermoplastic to replace metal in tubing for high-temperature automotive and other demanding industrial applications. The revolutionary flexibility of Rilsan® HT offers a step-change in polyphthalamide (PPA)-based materials and extends metal substitution to yet unimagined possibilities.Last update 08/01/2014 -
FLAXCO ® prepregs are manufactured from woven flax fibre, pre impregnated and consolidated with thermoplastic (PP-PA-PLA) resins. These semi-finished products can be delivered in rigid sheets or on rolls as single ply sheet.Last update 22/01/2019