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  • Glycerol Formal


    Glycerol Formal is at minimum 86,5% bisourced solvent with following characteristics: high solvent power and fully miscible with water.
    Last update 01/03/2024
  • xEN-MPTC integrated wooden building system


    Lineazen integrated building systems consist in a complete range of structural and architectural products : wall, floor and roof. They are based on cross laminated timber made of beech / epicea / bamboo.
    Last update 21/08/2013

    Compagnie des agrafes à vigne

    Amidograf® is the very first stapling clip, 100% bio-based and biodegradable in real conditions (in situ).
    The complete biodegradation of this staple is carried out on the soil in the vines over the year and enters the cycle of the humification.
    Last update 17/01/2018
  • Technical fabrics and unidirectionnals

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Fabrics structures determine their mechanical performances in the two directions: 0° and 90°. Unidirectionals are suitable for end-uses where mechanical stresses are applied in one major direction.
    Last update 02/02/2018
  • Napture Cellgum Plus

    Sensient Cosmetic Technologies

    Thixotropic colloidal thickener derived from natural renewable sources (food grade)
    Last update 22/12/2011