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  • Methyl Undecylenate


    Methyl undecylenate can be used as a precursor for undecylenic derivatives for cosmetics, as an intermediate in the synthesis of aromatic chemicals,as a synthesis support (modified silicones, polymers…), and in formulations requiring its anti-odour properties.
    Last update 15/05/2014


    - Modern glass and surface cleaner and degreaser
    - Quickly eliminates dirt, greasy stains, finger marks, etc.
    - Leaves no traces after drying.
    Last update 02/05/2023
  • Epichlorohydrin (via EPICEROL process)


    80% of epichlorhydrin is used in epoxy resins ( coating, paints, adhesives, composite polymers)
    20 % are used to produce floculating agents, wet paper strength reinforcement, non-flammable polymers.
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • Geochanvre - Intissé


    GEOCHANVRE produces a range of geotextiles from long fibers mechanically bonded by hydrolysis. The applications are possible in the fields of ecological engineering, soil erosion control, crop protection but also to meet the needs of the construction and composite materials sectors.
    Last update 12/05/2018
  • Acetaldehyde

    SEKAB Biofuels & Chemicals

    Acetaldehyde is a key raw material in production of a wide range of chemicals (paint binders, plasticizer). It is also used in the production of construction materials, fire retardant paints and explosives. The pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry also uses acetaldehyde.
    Last update 04/06/2014