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  • Elevance Clean™ 1200

    Equilex Chemicals B.V.

    Elevance Clean™1200 is a new cleaning ingredient that boosts the cleaning performance of your formulations and rapidly penetrates your most challenging soils. It is also bio-based, safe-to-use, VOC-exempt and highly compatible across a range of aqueous to semi-aqueous products while being used at neutral pH.
    Last update 17/07/2015
  • BioFoam®

    Synbra Technology bv

    BioFoam® is a bio-based PLA Foam (E-PLA) produced from Lactic Acid through purified Lactides in polymerisation. It has comparable physical & mechanical properties to EPS.
    Last update 29/11/2011
  • Rocalin

    Ariège Composites

    The range of Rocalin voluntary intake columns comes in 3m3 and 4m3 for the collection of glass as well as paper and packaging.

    The use of flax and cork provides efficient mechanical performance
    Last update 28/02/2017

    Polynt Composites France

    Range of Unsaturated Polyester Resins (UPR), which can be used in most conventional methods of processing composites for construction, transportation, recreation, marine, sanitary, automobile or railway sectors.
    Last update 20/07/2015
  • FibriMat LCM


    Fibrimat LCM is a range of 100% biosourced reinforcement mats developed for composite applications.
    Last update 13/02/2015