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  • NaturePlast NPC 204


    This compound is based on algae powder, with injection molding and extrusion cast grades. These grades are not intented to food contact.
    Last update 24/04/2013
  • GREEN, plant fractions

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    GREEN is a range of plant fractions, for the load or the reinforcement of thermoplastic composites. This range is suitable for injection and extrusion processes.
    Last update 27/10/2011
  • SANET Zitrotan

    WERNER & MERTZ France professional

    Concentrated sanitary cleaner, eco-designed based on natural citric acid.
    Last update 28/04/2023


    Water-based paint with a matt finish made with biobased non-yellowing acrylic resin for long-term usage in the painting of interior surfaces. Superior wet scrub resistance of class 1
    Last update 01/02/2023
  • Aqueous emulsion of natural oils and resins plant

    Derivery SAS

    Emulsion from natural oils unprocessed (not alkyds, without ethoxylated surfactants) for formulation of matt and satin decorative indoor paints.
    Last update 21/08/2013