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  • 1,3-propanediol (PDO)

    METabolic EXplorer

    Key building block for the production of PTT, a specialty polyester
    Last update 17/12/2013
  • NaturePlast ACI 001


    ACI 001 is a thermoplastic resin of cellulose ester made from renewable vegetable resources and is specifically developed for injection moulding.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Géochanvre - Herbi'Chanvre


    Herbi'Chanvre from Géochanvre is a unique mulch fabric made of 100% natural hemp grown in France, without pesticides. Only water is used to bind the fibers. Very effective against weeds, it avoids weeding and promotes the growth of plantations. Thin and resistant, its installation is mechanizable.
    Last update 02/11/2020
  • Condapulse


    CONDAPULSE is a high performance additive, allowing to increase the performance of machining fluid, for example for the production of parts particularly difficult or for operations on hard alloys (stainless steel ...) or stuck alloys (aluminum, ...).
    Last update 21/08/2013


    DIESTERlub® CSL 100 is a vegetable oil formulated for a better lubrication of the chainsaws with manual or automatic greasing.
    Last update 26/01/2015