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Disinfectant Floor & Surface Cleaner 1L Osanis
Osanis Multi-Surface Disinfectant Cleaner, scented with fresh eucalyptus, cleans and disinfects all the floors in your home in a single step.Last update 05/01/2023 -
reSound™ NF
PolyOne France S.A.S
reSound™ NF reinforced materials are based on an eco-conscious, natural fiber-filled technology. Developed for lightweighting in advanced applications in transportation, these thermoplastic materials contain a minimum of 30% bio-based content, up to 50%. They feature densities 5-10% lower than comparable glass fiber formulations to reduce weight.Last update 03/11/2015 -
NaturePlast PHI 001
PHI 001 is a thermoplastic resin of Poly (hydroxyalkanoate) made from renewable vegetable resources, additived (45% of biodegradable copolyester).
Developed for injection moulding; also available for extrusion.Last update 21/08/2013 -
Pure Logwood extract
Our pure extract comes from the heartwood of Logwood, produced by a clean aqueous extraction. This powder-form extract is mainly rich in hematoxyline, the non-oxydzied form of its main colouring compound. This molecule is widely used as reagent in Biology.Last update 29/10/2014 -
Yarn and rovings of natural fibres
Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD
Rovings and yarns are linear assemblies of aligned fibers, linked by a torsion more or less important for the cohesion of the whole from flax or hemp fibers.Last update 16/07/2014