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  • H VG


    Vegetable oil for direct contact
    Last update 15/03/2021
  • UniverCell® +


    The UniverCell® range consists of biosourced thermal and acoustic insulation materials that are particularly environmentally friendly. It is made from recycled paper that has been sorted, shredded and treated to resist fire and mildew.
    Last update 30/11/2021
  • Natural fibres based compounds

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Formulated from polymers of wide diffusion such as PE, PP and PVC, the compounds are reinforced with 20% to 50% fiber or powder from flax, hemp, miscanthus and wood.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Natural cut fibers

    Procotex Corporation SA

    We are specialised in processing natural fibers. The fibers we can offer are flax, kennaf, coconut, sisal, jute,...
    All these fibers can be cut up to very short lengths which makes it useable for the plastic industry.
    Last update 03/01/2014
  • Bedding LIGNOCEL


    Beech timber bedding
    Last update 05/01/2016