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  • Glycerol Formal


    Glycerol Formal is at minimum 86,5% bisourced solvent with following characteristics: high solvent power and fully miscible with water.
    Last update 01/03/2024
  • NAFILean

    APM (Automotive Performance Materials)

    NAFILean is 20% hemp fibres reinforced polypropylene compound and is designed for automotive structural parts by injection process.
    Last update 21/07/2015
  • Isane BioLife

    TOTAL Fluides

    Isane BioLife is a unique range of pure renewable and biodegradable isoparaffin products, characterized by a high purity level, low odor, and relative chemical inertness. Isane BioLife range is composed of 3 products (Isane BioLife 56, Isane BioLife 58, Isane BioLife 78) which differ by their volatility.
    Last update 01/03/2017
  • Boléro


    Technological formulation new generation, BOLERO improves the distribution, the speed of penetration and the quantity of boron likened by the plant.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • CLEANMEX Bitumen remover

    MEXEL Industries

    Dissolvent for tars, bitumens and asphalts
    Last update 11/12/2013