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  • Géochanvre - Herbi'Chanvre


    Herbi'Chanvre from Géochanvre is a unique mulch fabric made of 100% natural hemp grown in France, without pesticides. Only water is used to bind the fibers. Very effective against weeds, it avoids weeding and promotes the growth of plantations. Thin and resistant, its installation is mechanizable.
    Last update 02/11/2020
  • Aqueous emulsion of natural vegetal oils and resin

    Derivery SAS

    Natural vegetal binder (not alkyd, without ethoxylated surfactants) for the formulation of products for protection and decoration of wood.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • FibriMat LCM HD


    Fibrimat LCM HD is range of natural fibre reinforcement mats for composites for infusion and RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding) processes which allow to achieve high levels of reinforcement in composites.
    Last update 13/02/2015

    Lubrizol Advanced Materials (FKA Merquinsa)

    ESTANE® ECO TPU is the flagship product under the Bio-TPU™ by Lubrizol product offering. Originally developed by Merquinsa, ESTANE® ECO TPU is the first bio-based* TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) to not compromise on high-performance when compared to traditional petroleum-based TPUs.
    Last update 25/08/2021

    JADE (Jardin & Agriculture Développement)

    BELOUKHA® is the First Biocontrol crop protection product with grass control, dessiccation and moss control effects (on hard surfaces) for Agriculture.
    Last update 13/03/2015