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  • xEN-MPTC integrated wooden building system


    Lineazen integrated building systems consist in a complete range of structural and architectural products : wall, floor and roof. They are based on cross laminated timber made of beech / epicea / bamboo.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Fibrirock


    FibriRock is a lightweight, fast-curing, heat-resistant composite comprising over 55% flax and bioresin – organic, sustainable components.
    It allows the SmartCart to meet all the mechanical, production and fire-related performance requirements needed for an airline galley cart.
    The Smart Cart is the lightest galley cart rated to carry up to 50kg.
    Last update 10/02/2015


    CONTACTICEL™ offers the skin protection against pollution; it effectively reduces the sebum on a polluted atmosphere with a visible lasting result.
    It is obtained thanks to CELEBRITY™, an innovative macro-algae cell culture which allows to produce large quantities of biomass from a rare algae Acrochaetium moniliforme that could not be cultivated
    Last update 20/04/2017
  • 2-octanol


    2-Octanol can be used as a synthesis intermediate in the manufacture of fragrances and flavors, and in plasticizers. This product is not intented for direct use in food or drug. For industrial use only.
    Last update 15/05/2014
  • ampliTex® light fabrics

    Bcomp Ltd.

    The strong need of the water sport- and bike industry inspired us to develop this lightweight reinforcement range. The ampliTex light products are made with a new low-twist yarn for a maximum performance.
    Last update 28/10/2014