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  • Thermosetting applications linen woven fabrics

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Wowen fabrics made from untwisted fibers yarn, 100 % flax fibers
    Product range : TWILL 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², TAFFETAS 250 g/m² and 350 g/m², UNIDIRECTIONAL 210 g/m² and 420 g/m²
    Packing : rolls of 100 m², width of 1640 mm
    Last update 04/12/2020
  • ampliTex® powerRibs

    Bcomp Ltd.

    The powerRibs can be easely combined with flax, glass or carbon fibre fabrics.
    During production, the flax yarn placement is carefully controlled in order to obtain an application-specific mesh structure.
    Last update 23/10/2014
  • Sorona® renewably sourced fiber


    Whether it is textile fibers and fabrics for home interiors and apparel, carpeting, or a variety of packaging applications such as films, sealants, foams, and rigid containers, Sorona® imparts distinctive, value-added characteristics.
    Last update 04/09/2013
  • Flax nonwoven

    Norafin Industries GmbH

    Spunlaced product development based on flax nonwovens.
    This technology allows a huge variety of fiber blends, multilayered structures as well as various functionalities.
    Last update 15/07/2014


    - Modern glass and surface cleaner and degreaser
    - Quickly eliminates dirt, greasy stains, finger marks, etc.
    - Leaves no traces after drying.
    Last update 02/05/2023