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  • Altuglas® Rnew


    Altuglas® Rnew biopolymer resins, a biosourced PMMA with a lower carbon footprint.
    A new high performance alloys incorporating ≥ 25% biopolymers, polymers 100% produced from plant sugar. They offer performance advantages: excellent optical properties without the need for coating, high melt flow.
    Last update 08/01/2014
  • Technichanvre


    Hemp shives for green building.
    Hemps for slabe, renders and plasters, walls...
    Last update 20/08/2013
  • PeptAIde™


    With PeptAIde™, we introduce a unique set of plant-based peptides identified using artificial intelligence that specifically help modulate inflammation markers relevant to physical exercise.
    Last update 10/05/2019
  • Ethylal


    Ethylal is a minimum 86,5% biosourced solvent with the following characteristics: Good toxicological profile (no labelling expect flammable), High solvent power (Kb value: 120), Surface tension reducer, Ideal replacement for MEK and other nasty solvents.
    Last update 01/03/2024


    FlaxPLY: a comprehensive range of sized flax fabrics
    Available in UD150, UD180, BL150, BL200, BL300 & BL550gsm

    Ready-to-use flax reinforcements for the manufacturing of composites parts

    Unique and patented product range that allows to improve the mechanical properties, the vibrations absorption and the aesthetic of composites parts
    Last update 06/02/2018