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  • Bathroom Descaler 500 mL Osanis


    Osanis bathroom descaler cleans and descales effectively, restoring shine to all bathroom surfaces: shower, bathtub, sink, etc.
    Last update 05/01/2023
  • 1,3-propanediol (PDO)

    METabolic EXplorer

    Key building block for the production of PTT, a specialty polyester
    Last update 17/12/2013
  • Tolonate™ X FLO 100


    Tolonate™ X FLO 100 is a new, partially bio-based (contains 25% of renewable material), solvent free and low viscosity aliphatic isocyanate polymer particularly designed to produce solvent-free polyurethane and polyurea materials and/or to reduce Volatile Organic Compounds emissions of polyurethane solvent-based formulation.
    Last update 09/01/2014

    FLAXCO ®

    FLAXCO ® fabrics are manufactured from 100% flax fibre, in different weave styles with a surface weight ranging from 200gr/m² up to 1.000 gr/m².
    The mechanical properties of these lightweight bio-based materials are high stiffness, strength, vibration and noise absorbing.
    Last update 21/12/2018
  • I’m green™ Polyethylene


    Braskem´s I’m green™ polyethylene is a biopolymer made from sugarcane ethanol.
    Last update 05/12/2013