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  • reSound™ NF

    PolyOne France S.A.S

    reSound™ NF reinforced materials are based on an eco-conscious, natural fiber-filled technology. Developed for lightweighting in advanced applications in transportation, these thermoplastic materials contain a minimum of 30% bio-based content, up to 50%. They feature densities 5-10% lower than comparable glass fiber formulations to reduce weight.
    Last update 03/11/2015
  • REFINE® PF3434A

    APM (Automotive Performance Materials)

    Compound PP-hemp for automotive parts
    Last update 14/02/2014
  • Ethylal


    Ethylal is a minimum 86,5% biosourced solvent with the following characteristics: Good toxicological profile (no labelling expect flammable), High solvent power (Kb value: 120), Surface tension reducer, Ideal replacement for MEK and other nasty solvents.
    Last update 01/03/2024
  • Starflax© Event


    Starflax© Event is a print media, intended for roll-up,covers and internal viewing.
    This product is classified : Flame Retardant (M1) and is intended for latex printing.
    Last update 06/05/2015


    DIESTERlub® CSL 100 is a vegetable oil formulated for a better lubrication of the chainsaws with manual or automatic greasing.
    Last update 26/01/2015