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  • Geochanvre - Intissé


    GEOCHANVRE produces a range of geotextiles from long fibers mechanically bonded by hydrolysis. The applications are possible in the fields of ecological engineering, soil erosion control, crop protection but also to meet the needs of the construction and composite materials sectors.
    Last update 12/05/2018


    MECAGREEN 450 is a premium soluble oil for metal woking. The lubricating phase is a complex synthetic esters of vegetable origin.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • SCHWARZ plant pots

    Max Schwarz AG

    For horticulture and vegetable production, SCHWARZ plant pots are ideal for mechanized or automated processes in plant cultivation and retain their excellent properties, even when used in a greenhouse over several months.
    Last update 02/10/2013
  • Biosorb


    Biosorb is a 100 % natural filter system made of pine bark residues and flax and developed by Pe@rl society cooperatively with EcoTechnilin.
    It has the capacity to concentrate heavy metals and radioactive elements in fluids with an efficiency similar to ion exchange resin but easier to implement.
    Last update 31/05/2016
  • VG TAR


    Concentrated descaler and descaling agent. Multi-surface. Restores shine to surfaces. Pomegranate scent. 100% biobased and of plant origin. Product approved for food contact.
    Last update 13/02/2023