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    Pennakem Europa SAS

    THFA, 2 tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol, can find applications in numerous uses in various formulation including agrichem and surface treatment (paint strippers).
    THFA is an excellent replacement for NMP, xylene, methylene chloride, acetone, d-limonene, glycol ethers and other solvents.
    Last update 20/03/2019
  • Disinfection range


    The SALVECO® industrial laboratory has developed and patented a completely new and unique range from plant-based actives of hand sanitizers (Personal care) and professional and consumer surface disinfectants. Salveco is to date the only one in the world to benefit from a Simplified Authorisation.
    Last update 16/09/2015

    JADE (Jardin & Agriculture Développement)

    BELOUKHA® is the First Biocontrol crop protection product with grass control, dessiccation and moss control effects (on hard surfaces) for Agriculture.
    Last update 13/03/2015
  • Bi-axial 45°x45° flax fibers reinforcement

    TDL Technique / Terre de Lin

    Bi-axial 45°x45° flax fibers reinforcement, made with parallelized hackled flax sliver. 100 % flax;
    Weight: 300,400,500,600,750g/m². Specific weight on request.
    Packaging: rolls of 60 m², width of 2530 mm
    Last update 14/11/2016
  • Rhodapex® ESB-70 NAT


    Rhodapex® ESB-70 NAT is an SLES surfactant (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) that is vegetable based and contains 100% renewable carbon. It can be broadly used for shampoo, body wash, liquid hand soap, and household cleaners. Easy to formulate, efficient and cost effective.
    Last update 21/08/2013