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  • FibriMat LCM HD


    Fibrimat LCM HD is range of natural fibre reinforcement mats for composites for infusion and RTM (Resin Transfer Moulding) processes which allow to achieve high levels of reinforcement in composites.
    Last update 13/02/2015
  • THF

    Pennakem Europa SAS

    THF, tetrahydrofuran, is a universal, CN-solvent; its versatility creates an opportunity to reduce carbon footprint.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • n-Heptanoic acid


    n-Heptanoic acid can be used in the form of esters in the fragrances and flavors industry, in cosmetics and for the industrial lubricants, and in the form of salts (sodium heptanoate) for corrosion inhibitiion.
    Last update 15/05/2014
  • Radia 7909 - Bioplasticizer


    Radia 7909 is a secondary bioplasticizer initially developped for enduction PVC.
    It is a booster of gelification (fast fuser).
    Still liquid at -6°C, it bring advantages when substituting benzoates.
    Last update 21/08/2013
  • Biocérès range


    A true alloy of wheat flour and a biodegradable polymer, BioCeres products are biobased and compostable. One reference carries the OK Compost label and the OK Biobased label.
    With the possibility of creating products from renewable resources, BioCeres products are ideal for using calendaring, extrusion and injection-molding.
    Last update 15/07/2014