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  • REFINE® range

    APM (Automotive Performance Materials)

    REFINE materials are composite materials of vegetable fiber (hemp / wood / sisal / kenaf / linen) + thermoplastic (PVC / PP / PE / ABS / PS / ...).
    Last update 03/08/2013
  • VG TAR


    Concentrated descaler and descaling agent. Multi-surface. Restores shine to surfaces. Pomegranate scent. 100% biobased and of plant origin. Product approved for food contact.
    Last update 13/02/2023


    Water-based paint with a matt finish made with biobased non-yellowing acrylic resin.
    Last update 01/02/2023
  • LUBA 21


    Extreme pressure biolubricant for cutting and stamping of metals
    Last update 15/03/2021
  • Nonwoven natural fibres

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    Nonwovens are made of a fleece or a mat of fibers arranged randomly linked by mechanical, chemical or pneumatic action. This arrangement of fibres provides isotropic mechanical performance to materials incorporating nonwovens.
    Last update 15/07/2014