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  • Recycled Fibre

    Procotex Corporation SA

    Natural fibers for insulation and non-woven industry
    Last update 04/01/2014
  • Végétol®

    Laboratoires Xérès

    Végetol® innovation is an ingredient used as a carrier in liquid formulations for electronic cigarettes, e-liquid without propylene glycol, is of exclusively natural origin. It is obtained by biofermentation of vegetable glycerin. It’s basically a process of green chemistry.
    Last update 08/01/2020

    Hygiene et Nature

    Cleaner, concentrated disinfectant, designed for the treatment of premises, equipment, vehicles, places used for the collection (bins, containers, storage rooms, ...), transport (collection bins, ...) and treatment (garbage disposal ducts, drains, collective scraps, waste dumps, ...) of garbage and waste of animal origin
    Last update 23/02/2023


    The Polysorb ID 37 is a 100% bio-based plasticizer, alternative to conventional plasticizers such as phthalates, used for the lamination of thermoplastics, including PVC, for the production of floor coverings, office products, technical textiles or even garden hoses.
    Last update 17/12/2013

    API SpA

    APINAT BIO® is an environmentally friendly brand offering a variety of recyclable and biodegradable thermoplastic compounds suited to a wide range of applications.
    Last update 01/07/2016