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  • NATHERM, plant fractions, thermal insulation

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    NATHERM-F is a line of fiber, flax or hemp, for the sound and heat insulation materials.
    NATHERM-G is a range of aggregates made ​​of flax, hemp, wood and miscanthus, formulated for spray processing techniques.
    Last update 06/02/2018
  • LUBA 21


    Extreme pressure biolubricant for cutting and stamping of metals
    Last update 15/03/2021
  • Bamboo aeronautical panel


    This sandwich panel made with bamboo fibres and epoxy resin can be used for aircraft cabin interiors to replace sandwich panels with glass fibres and phenolic resin.
    Last update 27/10/2016
  • Unidirectional natural fibres: 0° to 90°

    Fibres Recherche Développement - FRD

    The unidirectionals are suitable for applications requiring performance applied preferentially in one direction. The layers of fibers, rovings or aligned yarns of flax are bonded together by an binder or by woven perpendicularly yarns.
    Last update 15/07/2014


    MECAGREEN 450 is a premium soluble oil for metal woking. The lubricating phase is a complex synthetic esters of vegetable origin.
    Last update 21/08/2013